Winter talk : Serotines in Surrey
February 27, 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
We are pleased to welcome Ross Baker and Lynn Whitfield, who will be telling us about serotine bats in Surrey. Ross and Lynn are members of Surrey Bat Group and have been involved in monitoring serotine bat roosts for the National Bat Monitoring Project. The group has been working to identify new roosts and this IN PERSON talk will bring to life the project so far and also cover what they hope to be able to achieve for these incredible bats.
All welcome!
Photo credits (c) Surrey Bat Group & Hugh Clark/www.bats.org.uk
University of Reading campus map https://www.reading.ac.uk/…/whiteknights-campus-map.pdf. The meeting room is on the 1st floor of Park House, building 8, and the closest car park is number 15.
If driving, the postcode RG6 6UR will get you on to campus but not to the right building so we recommend using what3words ///return.factories.slows for the entrance to campus, then ///hails.hogs.jacket for the car park and ///echo.hats.tidy for the pedestrian entrance to Park House. Parking is unrestricted after 5pm.
There is information on buses to campus at https://www.reading.ac.uk/about/visit-us