If you are interested in helping bats in our area join the bat group and get involved! Whether you want to attend meetings or follow our various activities we are always pleased to have new members, no matter what your level of experience.

Membership of the bat group only costs £10 per year (concessions £5). Members will be invited to join our email list and will be eligible to join in all the group’s activities.

If you would like to join us, print out and fill in the membership form below and send the completed form and payment to: Berks & South Bucks Bat Group, Membership, 44 Martingale Chase, Newbury RG14 2EN

Or, if paying by BACS or standing order (download the standing order form below), email the completed form to membership[at]berksbats.org.uk

We are always happy to receive donations to help with our work, whether that’s for equipment for surveying bats, or for bat boxes, or for bat care. If you would like to make a donation via BACS these are our bank details:

  • Account name Berkshire & South Buckinghamshire Bat Group
  • Sort code 40-38-04
  • Account number 95004101

Please use “donation” as reference; if it’s for specific reason, eg for a bat walk or a bat rescue, you could add that to the reference: DonationBatWalk.


Membership Form 36.37 KB 536 downloads

Membership form in Word format to fill in and return or send to Membership Secretary ...

Standing order form 35.24 KB 294 downloads

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us
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